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WHY: Univ. of Chicago Experts on 9/11 (students weigh in)


Pathways from September 11 to January 6th

Today’s focus is…

…on the diverse views expressed by this panel of experts from journalism,
the CIA, and diplomatic services from both the George W. Bush era and
the Obama term. The discussion brings to light the many complex
repercussions of September 11th, including the increased fear of Islam,
rolling into the fear of immigration and the fueling of long-standing
racism in America. It touches on the mistakes of over-reaction in
national security after 9/11, and how those mistakes caused us to miss
the mark on identifying underlying causes of Islamic terrorism while
toxic shifts were taking place inside our own country. It also touches
on the ways in which our enemies use technology to exploit those shifts
in order to sew division among our communities through untruth, suspicion
and fear, in order to make us weaker. Watch: How 9/11 Changed America
and the World:

See more “Recent Posts” in this blog series: Pathways from September 11 to January 6th

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