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WHY: Heather Cox Richardson (history of the GOP )


Pathways from September 11 to January 6th

Today’s focus is…

–on Heather Cox Richardson, professor of history, who has dedicated
many “Letters from an American,” as well as “History & Politics Chat”
videos that help Americans like me to understand today’s societal and
political shifts within the context of U.S. history. Hers is a stabilizing
voice, helping to inform our present with empowering insights for
thought and action.

Her series of videos on the “History of the Republican Party” is absolutely
riveting. It is long, but broken into sections, per GOP president. Take
it in doses, or binge watch like I did. It’s well worth our time. (Richardson
also offers a series on the Democratic Party, and much more.)

See more “Recent Posts” in this blog series: Pathways from September 11 to January 6th

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