NOW: Frontline (defining moments)
Pathways from September 11 to January 6th
Today’s focus is…
Defining moments of the 9/11 era…
…on Frontline’s recent production, which draws from key footage of Frontline’s
dozens of penetrating documentaries tracking the dramatic forces in the wake of
9/11 that impacted everything: our position in the world, our domestic culture,
and our lives. Take time, it’s a must-watch overview perspective. Personally, I
will never forget the expression on George Tenet’s face as Colin Powell delivered
his speech at the United Nations. Untruths of that speech, unwitting to Powell at the
time, were derived from a tortured prisoner who lied to get the pain to stop. How
much did Tenet know, and when?
See more “Recent Posts” in this blog series: Pathways from September 11 to January 6th
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